Volunteer With Others2018-08-31T20:44:07+00:00

The primary way most people in our network volunteer is through participating in one of our one-to-one visitation groups.  These groups were developed to give volunteers who want to visit with residents one-to-one the chance to interact with other volunteers and also to have an experienced volunteer available to help them get started and support them along the way.

Volunteers who wish to be part of our one-to-one program should start by filling out our Volunteer Application.  After that, they go through an interview process, and then are asked to make an initial commitment of 12 weeks of visits (of about an hour per week), with the hope that they will continue on beyond that.   (Please note: we do not accept students who need volunteer hours for a class; we have found that not to be a good fit with our program in the past.)

Here is a full list of our current one-to-one visitation groups:

•Sundays at 3pm at Park Meadows Health and Rehab

•Mondays at 2:30pm at Terrace Health and Rehab

•Mondays at 6pm at Signature Health and Rehab

•Wednesdays at 10:30am at Parklands Nursing and Rehab

For more information about our one-to-one visitation program, please review our “Orientation Materials,” and/or contact us via the “Contact” button above.